Nicholas H. Androski

"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience." - Frank Herbert


University of Michigan

PhD Student in Climate Science

I am a pre-candidate PhD student at the University of Michigan’s Climate and Space Science department advised by Dr. Christiane Jablonowski. Currently, I am involved in testing and applying high resolution climate modeling to study atmospheric dynamics.

In 2024, I recieved my BS in Physics at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with minors in mathematics and astronomy. Most recently, I conducted research at the Center for Astrophysics on ion cyclotron electromagnetic waves in the corona using NASA’s Parker Solar Probe. At Cal Poly, I also worked on measuring stellar ages and identifying rare nuclear fission events.

Academic Interests:

  • High resolution climate model development
  • Ideal simulation test cases as tools for comparison, understanding, and teaching.
  • Data visualization and interaction as an effective tool for teaching others

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